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Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2020: booklet now available!

The 2020 Week of Prayer for Christian Unity is a unique opportunity for mission and evangelisation, with plenty of opportunity to involve children and schools. Do be encouraged to start planning now! 

Produced by Maltese Christians with the theme of 'Unusual Kindness', the service invites us to include a boat in the place of worship – not something easy to organise at the last minute! 

This year’s booklet is now available to download, and in mid-September more resources will be available at 

Let's make the 2020 Week of Prayer, 18th-25th January, a moment of outreach and evangelism.

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The Diocese of Chelmsford The United Reformed Church The Eastern Baptist Association The Salvation Army The Diocese of Brentwood The London District Methodist Church Bedfordshire, Essex and Hertfordshire Methodist district The Quakers Church The redeemed church of God London Baptist Association Relational Mission Assemblies of God